Sunday, September 9, 2012

My Dilemma

Our next assignment will give me room to stretch as a person and a student. I have been giving this assignment a lot of thought as it will prove challenging as I really have no idea what I am doing. I will need to do research into this foreign language that I do not speak. The assignment is to come up with a video game idea, manual and script. I have come up with two ideas one that is completely politically incorrect, but may be cathartic in releasing pent up anger. The other presents a kinder gentler side of me where I want to help disabled children.

The first idea (which I hope I do not end up in jail over) is to take revenge on the school and the people involved in my sons death and their torture of us since his death. As I do not play these violent video games I am not sure how they work at this time, nor do I know how to use a controller. The premise is the grieving parent avatar either the father or the mother enters the school and has to choose their targets. At this point it is a shooting game, that would be fair play in my case. The other characters would be the school district official that laughed at us and denied a memorial page for our son. He actually changed district policy to prevent it from happening. Of course the drama teacher who solicited his students for a gun to use in the production. The parent who chose to give the gun to my son instead of being responsible for it himself. The resource officer who approved the gun and refused to inspect it, or have any safety protocols in place. The principal and vice-principal who disregarded the safety of students, or the rights of the parents. The football coach and his groupies who gave kids assault rifles the following year for their picture in the program. More bonus points will be given for the district officals who knew the boys had the gun and were caught playing in the hall with it, but it was not taken away from them. The attorneys and risk management official will win you the game. At which time the school will emplode and my sons ghost will be released.
Any accidental shooting of students and teachers beyond those mentioned will cause a reduction of points.

Awe, I feel better just writing it down.

Now for the second idea; it would be a game for children who are blind. The avatar would be a dolphin or a killer whale, as they are the most characterized of the whales. The premise would be to have functions where you show progress toward the intended object with sound. They would have to have their avatar find objects or maybe spell out words. This would be an educational game as well as something for fun that these children who have limited abilities could participate. I may give the option for the avatars being mermaids as well. This game is reminiscent of the sonar that is used by these creatures to communicate in the oceans.